Nyhed Tale i EU-Parlamentet

Polen og EU-støtte

Under EU-Parlamentets debat om udbetaling af hundreder af milliarder af EU-støttekroner til Polen, på trods af de fortsatte problemer med retsstaten, rejste Enhedslistens Nikolaj Villumsen spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt man stadigt kan have tillid til EU-Kommission.

Talen blev afholdt på engelsk.

Foto: The Left Group
Nikolaj Villumsen (MEP)


Dear President of the European Commission

When I heard the Commission decided to give more than 30 billion euros to Poland, I was surprised.

Surprised, because there is no clear confirmation that Poland now fully complies with the Rule of Law.

Surprised, that several relevant Commissioners clearly were not involved in the process.

Surprised to see that the Commission President ignored the vocal protests from her colleagues.

Surprised, that you chose to ignore the explicit demands and resolutions of this Parliament not to give in to pressure.

And not least surprised, that you are apparently willing to sacrifice our basic principles.

And not least surprised, that you are apparently willing to sacrifice our basic principles.

Dear colleagues, dear Commission

I say that we cannot compromise on of Rule of Law, or the respect of basic democratic freedoms within the EU.

It is simply not acceptable.

So where do we go from here?

It is clear to me, that if the Commission insists on this misguided course.

If it decides to neglect its duties and to ignore the Court and the European Parliament,

And, if it seriously decides that Rule of Law is optional for Member States.

Then we will have to take the necessary measures.

Then we will have to take the necessary measures.

Because in that case, we clearly cannot have confidence in the Commission anymore.

Dear President,

I urge you to live up to your responsibilities.

If not, you are no longer fit for your role.

If not, you are no longer fit for your role.

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