Gårsdagens aftale om EU-budgettet er ikke et punktum. EU’s fremtidige budget og genopretningsfond skal nemlig forhandles på plads og endelig godkendes af EU-parlamentet. På den baggrund stemmer EU-parlamentet i morgen om sin holdning til EU-ledernes aftale.
EU-ledernes budgetaftale har mødt kritik for manglende grønt indhold fra blandt andre den unge svenske klimaaktivist, Greta Thunberg, der sammen med 320 forskere og omkring 85.000 borgere har sendt brev til EU’s ledere med krav om en styrket klimaindsats.
Den kritik bærer jeg nu ind i EU-parlamentet med en række forslag, der forsøger at samle EU-parlamentet bag en markant styrket klimaindsats. Jeg håber forslagene vil samle flertal i afstemningerne i morgen.
Konkret forslår jeg sammen med venstrefløjsgruppen i parlamentet, at halvdelen af budgettet og genopretningsplanen skal gå til klimaforbedringer og til beskyttelse af biodiversitet.
Ligeledes forslår vi at støtten til sort landbrug og tiltag, der skader klimaet og naturen skal stoppe, samt at der for at skabe en socialt retfærdig grøn omstilling indføres et ”forureneren-betaler-princip”, fremfor at regningen for klimaindsatsen tørres af på de svageste.
Enhedslistens ændringsforslag til EU-parlamentets udtalelse:
- Forslag om forøgelse af den grønne budgetandel til 50 procent og forbedret kontrol med at de grønne hensigter føres ud i livet:
13 a (new). Express disappointment regarding the lack of clear commitment to the Green Transition; Believes that 50% of the MFF and recovery fund should be allocated to climate and biodiversity spending; insists that climate and biodiversity-related expenditure must be tracked using a more robust, transparent and comprehensive methodology than the current OECD Rio Market system based on the conservativeness principle, including having expenditure resulting in negative impact on climate and biodiversity count negatively towards the total allocation - Forslag om stop for EU-støtte til naturødelæggende landbrug og kødreklamer:
13 b (new). Points out that the contribution to climate and biodiversity spending of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been grossly overestimated as highlighted by the European Court of Auditors; takes note of the findings from the European Court of Auditors’ Special Report 13/2020 of the CAP 2014-2020 not having contributed to halt the decline in biodiversity; stresses in this regard the need to end all harmful agricultural subsidies, including campaigns promoting animal based products; - Forslag om indførelse af ”forureneren-betaler-princippet” så den grønne omstilling bliver social retfærdig:
13 c (new). Stresses that the climate mainstreaming of the MFF and recovery fund must happen in a way that is socially just, making sure that the burdens are carried according to the polluter pays principle and not placed on the most vulnerable people and communities; highlights in this regard the necessity of securing good and decent jobs for workers in sectors affected by the green transition in ensuring an economic recovery that is both socially and environmentally sustainable; - Forslag om at der ikke give støtte til virksomheder, der ikke overholder gældende overenskomst eller benytter sig af skattely på EU’s sortliste:
24 a (new). Deeply regrets that the agreement does not ensure that financial assistance is only provided to undertakings that respect the applicable collective agreement or that recipient undertakings refrain from making share buy backs or paying dividends to shareholders and bonuses to executives; further regrets that the agreement does not ensure that state aid and financial assistance is not provided to undertakings registered in countries listed on the Union’s list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax-purposes; - Forslag om at virksomheder der benytter skattely indenfor EU heller ikke kan modtage EU-støtte:
24 b (new) Is highly concerned about the significant loss of public revenue because of tax avoidance linked to EU member states; considers it pivotal that companies are excluded from financial assistance schemes if they are based in tax havens within the EU; - Forslag om at EU-parlamentet ikke vil godkende EU-budgettet hvis ikke der tilføjes et bindende princip om at lande der krænker retsstatsprincipperne udelukkedes fra at modtage støtte (ændringsforslag fremhævet med fed):
9. Strongly regrets that the European Council significantly weakened the efforts of the Commission and the European Parliament to uphold rule of law, fundamental right and democracy in the framework of the MFF and the NGEU; declares that the European Parliament will not give its consent to the MFF 2021-2027 unless a binding mechanism of conditionality is presented as an integrated part of the agreement; in this context, also reconfirms its demand to complete the co-legislator’s work on the Commission’s proposed mechanism to protect the EU budget where there is a systemic threat to the values enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), and where the financial interests of the Union is at stake; stresses that, to be effective, this mechanism should be activated by “reversed qualified majority”; underlines that this mechanism shall not affect the obligation of government entities or of Member States to make payments to final beneficiaries or recipients; underlines that the Rule of Law regulation will be adopted under codecision;